Secondary Curriculum
Hillsboro Online Academy offers 7th-12th grade curriculum from Florida Virtual Schools Global and electives come from eDynamic Learning, an industry-recognized specialty curriculum provider.
At all levels, students will complete State of Oregon requirements, including state assessments. In addition, high school students will undertake the extended learning application (senior project) as a graduation requirement. Upon successful completion, students will receive a Hillsboro School District diploma from Hillsboro Online Academy. Hillsboro Online features a rigorous, yet flexible, menu of online learning programs, designed to meet the varied needs of students and their families. Central to the HOA’s mission is a learning plan individualized to each student.
On-site staff, for core courses, are available for all grades at our physical site, 440 SE Oak Street, just blocks from downtown Hillsboro. Associate staff, consisting of local certified, highly qualified teachers, is behind every elective course.
Parents and students should be aware that the demands of online courses are equal to or exceed those of traditional “face to face” courses. While online instruction places more responsibility on students, it offers greater flexibility fitting course work into a student’s or their family’s busy schedule. Students will interact with teachers and other Hillsboro Online staff via a message system in Canvas, our Learning Management System, by phone or in person by coming in to our physical site at 440 SE Oak Street.
Attendance is tracked using the Daily Attendance question in each student's homeroom or advisory class! It will show up on students' dashboard in the to-do area as well as their calendar. They also have access in their homeroom/advisory modules. Each attendance question opens up at midnight and closes at 11:59PM of that day Monday-Friday. Students will have a 24-hour period to complete their attendance question.
Although student assignment submission will be mainly online, they may also remit hard copies by bringing them to our site or by faxing hard copies to staff. Students will take module tests online; however semester finals for core courses at the high school level are required to be proctored in a face to face setting at our site. Any exception to this policy must be approved by school administration.
Please Note: As an online school, HOA is considered to be a “non-traditional school” by the NCAA. Non-traditional schools must go through an extremely lengthy process in order to become an NCAA-approved school.
HOA received NCAA approval for its core courses in August of 2016; credit recovery courses are not approved. Student athletes are encouraged to enroll in HOA courses. It is recommended that student athletes, who may be eligible for athletic scholarships at an NCAA Division I or Division II school, discuss enrollment at Hillsboro Online with their high school Athletic Director, since HOA does not have its own Athletic Director.
Want to take a look at some of our classes? Log in with our Prospective Student account!
User Name: hoa2012
Password: online